Book Launch – Kissing The Waves

Following her successful launch in Cape Town, Val Kadalie will be in Johannesburg to launch her book, Kissing The Waves.

If you’re looking for something to do next Friday evening, then come to Book Dealers of Rivonia, 40 Wessel Road, Rivonia. Meet the author, buy a signed copy and enjoy some good company and refreshments.

More information can be found direct from the author

About “Kissing The Waves”

We live in an ever-changing world. Threats of today seem to grow. The threats of the past, although some are no longer with us, still leave us with scars to contend with to this day. Many people may wonder about the relevance of divided Christian denominations which, to some, have diluted the core purpose of the church.

In this book, Valentia Kadalie, takes a look at her scars obtained in her journey through her life. Growing up in Apartheid-era Cape Town in a city – and country – divided, through the Apartheid tsunami to democracy, from personal challenges through the Covid-19 lockdown and beyond, including the ministry she and husband Charles have adopted.

Val’s narrative includes information about herself, her family, her friends, her God – and Christian discipleship. A spiritual conversion to accept Christ as Saviour is the doorway to living out the Gospel.

Val shows how Christian discipleship – the task of Christians – builds redemptive bridges across barriers. Val takes readers to the road less travelled by Churchianity.

The philosophy of Val and Charles is thought-provoking, illuminating, and liberating.

Her focus on discipleship will invoke reactions, and rest assured she will field every response – her large kitchen table awaits.

Why not contact Val and Charles by email? They can be reached at:
